You might have heard: The News Record is hiring a college living/spotlight editor.
Kareem Elgazzar, News Record managing editor, is moving on -- taking a full-time reporter position at The Morning Journal in Lorain, Ohio. He'll start his new role Feb. 16 -- we're so proud. To fill the vacant managing editor position, we've promoted Ariel Cheung, our college living/spotlight editor. Ariel's young, she'll be around TNR for at least two more years (we hope). She's proven to be a talented and dedicated staff member -- she's very well-deserving of this promotion.
But with Ariel's promotion, we find ourselves without a college living/spotlight editor. So, to anyone who said you can't get a job in journalism, they were wrong.
If you're a University of Cincinnati student and interested in the open editor position, here are some things you need to know:
1) Bring a resume, three clips and a 400-word statement on your goal(s) for the college living/spotlight pages to Room 509 Swift Hall by 2 p.m., Friday, Jan. 29. The appointment is only for the duration of the current production year (ends at the end of the academic year). There is the opportunity for reappointment for 2010-11; the application for next year's editorial staff will be available in Spring quarter. If you are hired now, you are welcome to reapply for the next year.
2) You must be available for production on Sunday and Tuesday. Sundays begin at 11 a.m.; Sunday and Tuesday end when your page is ready to be sent to the printer.
3) Being Web savvy helps, but we can teach you to use our CMS. It's easy.
4) You must be able to communicate with other editors and reporters of all skill levels. You have to constantly generate story ideas and be able to assign the stories to reporters. Because many of the reporters who write college living stories are very young, they tend to drop stories more frequently than other sections' reporters. Be ready to pick up their slack.
5) You do not have to be a journalism student to apply. We will, however, give preference to anyone who has taken copy editing and has a very strong understanding of AP style.
Do you have what it takes? Applications are due Friday, Jan. 29. If you have questions, e-mail me:
-- Taylor
P.S.Want to know what it's like in the news room? Here's a video Ariel made:
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