Yeah. Sorry. Now that's stuck in your head.
We're almost done with Winter quarter. So close I can taste it.
We've seen some interesting things at The News Record. It makes me feel strange when I stop and reflect on all the stories we've covered. Of course, we find ourselves empathizing with some of our subjects and all, but it's empty slate every Sunday, Tuesday and Wednesday nights.
It makes me wonder if all writers feel like that. I remember a lot of really good articles I read in things like Esquire, but I wonder if the people who wrote them remember them. I don't really know -- if someone's included in a news article I wrote or something, that article might be clipped out of the newspaper and hanging somewhere (wishful thinking, probably) but it was another story.
Naturally, there are more memorable stories, but it just makes me kind of laugh at times. When people get ticked off at something we write and, if all the reporting is done correctly, it's all completely factual, what does that mean to us? It means we did a good job and someone somewhere is reading this article and wondering how we get such data and how we got into contact with some of the people we do. I love my job. Wouldn't trade it for the world.
So, maybe for the better of everyone: the readers, the subjects and the reputation of our paper, we really have to start double checking everything.
Fact checking is essential.
The phones are there for a reason.
Spring quarter, we're coming to ya. We've already got some fun things planned.
Everyone, good luck on your exams and I'll see you in the funny paaaaperrrrrrs hahahahaha. Yeah. I'm done.
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