Sunday, November 7, 2010

News hangover

Well, the elections are now over and I have a hangover — news hangover, that is.

There is only so much relevant news that can be placed into a college newspaper. The elections gave us a wealth of that news. We were able to effectively inform students about local candidates while allowing them to personally see those candidates through our stories.

But now that it's over, we are back to the drawing board.

I had essentially set up, back in the summer, my coverage plan for news in the months leading to election day. It worked out pretty much according to plan, too.

Now, however, is when the rubber meets the road. It's where we earn our stripes as journalists.

We have to now dig for stories — they won't be gift-wrapped like the myriad of candidates we covered previously.

We'll have the occasional student or professor drop a tip in our lap, but that is rare. Most on campus view us with as much favor as cops do internal affairs.

It can be a disconcerting effort at times, but it is the nature of the beast.

Here's to hoping the beast doesn't eat us alive over the winter.


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