So this week, Taylor and I are keeping track of the changes we make to each page. Every error noted, every typo tallied. At the end of the week, whoever has the fewer number of errors on their 55s gets a prize ... or shall I say, a pie. The desk with the best 55s get to pie the person of their choice: whether it be the worst desk, the person they dislike the most or Taylor and I.
I'm really excited about the competition. Of course, I'm really banking on not getting pie'd in the face, but I can't wait to see who does. Taylor claims that she wouldn't mind a face full of pie goo; I'm waiting to see what she says when it actually becomes a possibility. :)
Today, thus far, the 55 tally stands as follows:
- Sports (Sam & Garrett): 28
- Entertainment (Sean): 35
- News (Gin & Amanda): 37
- College Living (Jayna): 53
Who will be the best? Who will fail fantastically? Stay tuned to Off the [News] Record for updates and (after the competition is over) lots of great pictures of the victors creaming the editor of their choice.
- Ariel
Not only will Sports totally dominate this competition, we will also never let any of the other desks forget it.